ART 2025

ART ENTRY DEADLINE is September 15, 2025

The 13th Annual Joshua Tree National Park Art Expo

Juried Exhibition – November 1-30, 2025 | Art Expo Weekend – November 1 & 2

  • 50+ artists/artworks will be selected for the juried exhibition at the historic 29 Palms Art Gallery
  • Up to $4,000 in cash awards available to artists selected for the juried exhibition. 
  • Juried art/artists featured in an exhibition catalog (print & online). 
  • Month-long exhibition, with artwork for sale in the gallery and on the website.
  • Art categories: 2-Dimensional, Photography, 3-Dimensional
  • Cash Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in each category, and Best of Show, plus non-monetary Superintendent’s Award.
  • Awards Reception: Saturday, Nov. 1, at the gallery, 4 to 7 p.m. (awards announced at 5 p.m. and posted online).
  • Art Expo Weekend & Art Market: Sat. & Sun. Nov. 1 & 2 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) at the gallery, with Artist Booths, Art Demos, Live Music, Food and Beverages, Cash Bar (beer/wine), and more.
  • Plus the annual “Weed Show” down the street at the Old Schoolhouse Museum, Sat. 12-4, Sun. 10-4.
  • Admission Free!

EXHIBITION THEME: Artwork depicting or inspired by the natural aspects of Joshua Tree National Park or its cultural history.

ENTRY RULES: Read the Guidelines in the Entry Form (PDF) or see the Guidelines printed below.

TO ENTER ONLINE: Complete this Online Entry Form

TO ENTER BY MAIL: Complete this Mail-in Entry Form (PDF)

ENTRY FEES: Pay $35 Entry Fee for up to 3 artworks. Pay Online (or send a check in the mail to JTNP Council for the Arts, P.O. Box 1755, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277)



Click here to see the Juried Artists & Artwork from last year.

For more information

Vickie Waite, Artist Liaison
Joshua Tree National Park Council for the Arts
Send us an Email

For Joshua Tree National Park information

Joshua Tree National Park

art entry GUIDELINES

THEME: Artwork depicting or inspired by the unique natural aspects of Joshua Tree National Park or its cultural history.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to living artists, age 18 and over. Artwork must be original work created by the artist within the last five (5) years and not previously exhibited in a JTNP Art Expo juried exhibition. Artwork must be for sale and must adhere to theme.

AWARDS: In addition to being selected for the juried exhibition, artists are eligible for cash awards totaling $4,000. All juried artists will be included in the exhibition catalog (print & online), with the artist’s bio, artwork image, and link to the artist’s website. All works will be available for sale during the exhibition at the gallery and online. Awards will be given in three categories (1st, 2nd, 3rd place in each category, plus a Best of Show and a non-monetary Superintendent’s Award).


  1. 2-Dimensional: Paintings and Works on Paper; including oil, acrylic, watercolor, goauche, mixed media, drawing, etching, printmaking, chalk, charcoal, colored pencil, crayon, graphite, pastels, collage, inks and washes, wax, computer generated art.
  2. Photography: Color or black and white, digital or film.
  3. 3-Dimensional: Sculpture, assemblage, freestanding or wall hanging pieces, including wood, metal, stone, glass, mosaics, ceramics, fiber, fabric, recycled materials, or mixed media.

SIZE LIMITS: 2-D wall-hanging art and photography should not exceed 48” width and 60” height. Framed and canvas-wrapped artwork must be ready to hang with professional hanging wire attached (no sawtooth or bracket hangers, triangles, tape, etc.). 3-D Freestanding work should not be more than 50 lbs. 

ENTRY FEE: $35 (USD) entry fee for up to 3 submitted images per artist (three different pieces of art).

  • Only one entry form per artist (containing up to 3 pieces of art).
  • Entry Form and Entry Fee are due Sept. 15, 2025 (by 11:59 p.m. PT). No entries will be accepted after the deadline closes.
  • Online: Submit payment via PayPal with debit or credit card or PayPal account on our “Pay Fees Online” page.
  • Snail mail: Send $35 check or money order payable to JTNP Council for the Arts, P.O. Box 1755, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277.

IMAGES: Submit digital images (photos) of the actual artwork(s) to be considered for the juried exhibition, up to 3 works. (For three-dimensional pieces, please send images of all sides; send in separate email if needed.) Submissions should be high quality (300 dpi/ppi) jpeg, preferably 1 MB (no larger than 2 MB) size per image. Remember to put artist’s LAST NAME and ARTWORK TITLE when saving image files (not image001.jpg). Do not use watermarks, copyright notices, or name identification on photos.

ARTIST BIO: [1] Submit an artist biography and website URL (if applicable) with the images and entry form. [2] ALSO submit a 150-word bio summary, which will be used for the artist profile in the exhibition catalog, if artist is selected for the juried exhibition. (Remember to put your NAME on all documents!) 

ENTRY DEADLINE: Sept. 15, 2025 (by 11:59 p.m. PT)

NOTIFICATION: Artists will be notified of acceptance into the juried show by email, and the list of juried artists will be posted on this website, on or before Sept. 25.

RIGHTS: Copyright and all other rights to the artwork will remain with the artist. JTNP Council for the Arts reserves the right to post juried artists’ artwork images and bios on its website, publish them in its exhibition catalog, and use selected images for promotional purposes. Artist credit will always accompany artist’s image.

DELIVERY TO GALLERY:  SHIPPED artwork is due October 23 to 27, 2025, and no later than 4 p.m. Tuesday, October 28. HAND DELIVERED artwork is due on October 26 or 27 (between 10 am and 4 pm), and no later than 4 pm, Tuesday, October 28. Ship/Deliver to the 29 Palms Art Gallery, 74055 Cottonwood Drive (at National Park Dr.), Twentynine Palms, CA 92277, (760) 367-7819, Artists are responsible for artwork insurance and shipping costs to/from the gallery. A pre-paid return shipping label is required with all shipped artwork. More instructions will be sent with acceptance. LATE artwork may be disqualified from the exhibition.

SALES:  All work must remain on display for the duration of the show. A 35% commission on works sold during the show will be retained by JTNP Council for the Arts. California sales tax will be collected by JTNPCA. Artists will receive payment for sold artwork within 30 days of close of show.

CLOSE OF EXHIBITION:  November 30, 2025. Unsold artwork and purchased artwork should be picked up at the 29 Palms Art Gallery on Sunday, Nov. 30 (from 2 to 5 pm), or Monday, Dec. 1 (from 10 am to 4 pm). Other times can be made by prior arrangement. Shipping of purchased artwork to a buyer must be arranged between artist and buyer. Return shipping to artists begins Dec. 3.

Artists selected for the juried exhibition will receive further instructions and an Artist Agreement by email.

NOTE: ARTIST BOOTHS & ART MARKET. An Art Market with artist booths and art activities is planned for the grounds at 29 Palms Art Gallery, weather permitting, on Art Expo weekend Nov. 2 & 3. A limited number of art booths (20-25) will be available for juried artists to sell additional artwork. Booth fee is $50 for the weekend, plus 10% commission on sales, and artists must provide their own pop-up tent and equipment. Stay tuned for more details, or email: NOTE: In event of cancellation, a refund will be issued (less $2 for PayPal fee, if entry fee was paid via PayPal).

PREMIER Sponsors

Many thanks to our loyal premier sponsors who have supported our arts organization and its flagship event, the JTNP Art Exposition! It is due to their generous donations and volunteerism that this event allows us to celebrate art each year. 

Join us in supporting our local business sponsors by patronizing their businesses!  PARTNERS & SPONSORS

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